The picture above is dedicated to two wonderful friends of mine....lol..who I have mentioned in this post....
Sometimes we miscommunicate. As I was sitting in a cute little coffee shop waiting for my lovely friends to arrive at 6:00, no one came. I kept waiting and waiting, but still no one. Finally when the lovely second hand hit 6:30 I called my friend and asked:
"Are you coming?"
"To the concert?"
"Oh, no, you didn't get the email did you?"
"Nope....but I have it now....."
No hard feelings toward my wonderful friends, but it is so funny how we all think or assume the other knows what is going on. I love my friends comment, of "Oh no!" It made me smile and instead of getting angry about the situation I prayed that God would help me to laugh about what happened. I did and still am. I was working on homework anyway, and they have the internet here, as well as Norah Jones sweet voice that calmly soothes all the guests in this cute little quaint place.
I wonder if people know how the media miscommunicates to the American people. Because "they" do. "They" being the mainstream coverage by NBC, ABC and a few others. In looking around this place, I see plenty of people, ordering food, and getting coffee they don't necessarily "NEED." Is the media really overdoing this economy thing? I am not denying that times are hard, because YES they are, and a lot of people are getting hit hard, and who knows my husband and I will probably be hit hard as well. BUT they're are still people dining, paying for coffee and ordering a Cafe' Americano for $2.49. Maybe the media has exaggerated a little bit. According to Dave Ramsey (of whom I am a big fan) 12% of people in the US cannot pay off their mortgages, but the other 88% have. Yes, our economy is not in the best shape, but I think that the media has blown ithis a little too far out of proportion..really if it was 88% who couldn't pay off their mortgages and foreclosed on their house then it wouldn't be an exaggeration but it's 12%. There have always been foreclosures.....and there always will be. What do you think? Or maybe I am being a little niave' or perhaps they [media] are, whatever the case, GOD is in control and knows what will happen in terms of the economy. There will be good times and bad times in our lives but He still knows what He is doing and it is for good for those who love Him.
Look around and see all the cell phone users.....I wonder if we really need them. Or texting? I see at least one person every day text someone...
Oh and yes, I do have a cell phone...and sometimes its hard not to text...I just need to remember moderation......
Hope you enjoyed this completely random post........
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