Wednesday, April 29, 2009



This weekend we are moving into our new apartment. I am so excited! The place we are living at now is all furnished so I can FINALLY decorate things the way I want to! I really need some advice though because I have some ideas about what I want to do but we are also on a budget. Any cheap but cute ideas that are under 50 to 60 dollars? We have a budget planned out for how much we can spend but there are certain things that I know I will have to wait on. We need the necessities first, like a table and microwave. I love shopping at Hope Gospel Mission but once I am there I cannot stop my mind from thinking of creative ways to reuse things I see! I wish I could get everything in the store, but am quickly reminded that:

1) Things are not important in this world and although it is fun to buy "things" once in while I need to be thankful for what God has already given us
2) We're on a budget
3) How much of the "things" will really be useful in terms of storage and usability? Probably only about 20% of what I see, the other 80% is just things I "want" not need.
4) Being stewards of the things we own. The more you own, the more you have to take of and clean, dust and so forth.

Well anyway, once we move in I will post pictures of our new place. It's really clean and very quaint. I love it. There are a lot of windows and a bigger kitchen for more room to bake (YAY!). Hopefully I will find a place to put my kitchenaid. I've only used it once so far because with school and such there hasn't been time to bake anything. Matt has a lot going on with graduation being less than 2 weeks away. He has a really stressful class right now so seeing each other has been nearly impossible. He leaves for his internship this summer at the end of May. Could you please all pray that things go well with us being away for most of the summer? I am not looking forward to being apart from my husband but I know that it is only for a short time and God has this all planned for His glory. Please pray that we would be able and ready to do whatever God is calling us to.

I went to a womans conference this weekend at Bethlehem Baptist church and saw Martha Peace speak. If any of you ladies are looking for some good reading materials you should check out the book called "The Excellent wife"--a biblical perspective in a wife's role for marriage. AMAZING, and I am only through the first two chapters. She soaks the chapters with scipture and gives an explanation for why God gives women the role she has in marriage, including SUBMISSION (the "S" word!). I am learning a lot already and cannot wait to read more. You can check Martha Peace out and see what you think! Please do! She has an amazing testimony about coming to Christ! Share this with all your married friends too! It's wonderful!

1 comment:

Heidi Stone said...

Ooo, I'm excited for you! Where did you find an apartment?

I'm sure I mentioned this before're always welcome to visit us here in Indy for a week or two while Matt is in Milwaukee this summer. We love house guests! :)

Miss you.
