Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Quiet, all is quiet. My husband is gone to work for 3 days in Milwuakee and my parents are on vacation. Being alone is good sometimes because it allows a person to contemplate some important things in life. It is also a great opportunity to pray and mediate on God's Word, of which I haven't been doing much of and need to get better at. Yet being alone in a quiet house is lonely. I miss the random noises my husband makes when he does daily tasks around the house or brushes his teeth at night. One more day of being alone and then he will be here.

I went to the Salvation Army today and purchased some things. Here's a list:

1) Two "red" rugs for $10.00
2) A cute little jar with flowers on it $0.99
3) A plate $0.69
4) A picture frame that needs a little "help" $0.29
5) Another picture frame that also needs a little help for $0.69

Not bad I guess.

I love to shop at second hand stores and enjoy finding old things or "junk" to be fixed up and used again. Finding treasures isn't just about using junk and fixing it up but putting it to good use to be practical. I try not to buy useless things I know I won't use because then it truly would be "junk" lying around our apartment. I love being thrifty.

There is a lot more going on in life but there isn't enough time now to right about it.

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