Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thoughts and Rambles...

I love my husband. I never realized how hard it is for him to drive home every weekend after working an 8 hour day. I was tired driving home from not working at all! As I drove home from Milwaukee today I was able to think about a lot of things. Here are a few thoughts I will share with you:

I felt torn driving home because I was leaving my husband behind. Perhaps this is how he feels when he leaves for work 3 hours and 45 minutes away.

I do not realize how hard my husband works for us.

Matt is so compassionate and caring, even after a long day at work.

I love spending time with my husband.

God is so good.

Why must we spend our way out of debt? (random, I know)

Driving long periods of time gives me a backache.

I don't really like driving in big cities....

Work tonight, hopefully Mary and Harriet are doing well.

I love my parents very much.

Marriage is a convenant example of Christ and His church.

I miss Matt and wish I could stay in Milwaukee.

I am so blessed in so many ways.

God is good, ALWAYS.


Heidi Stone said...

I used to hate driving in big cities. But when you move to one, you kind of have to get over it. Now I almost prefer large cities! The speed limit is higher! Lol.

And, on the driving note, driving long distances in a CAR is extremely uncomfortable. But once you and Matt start having little Hannahs and Matts and you get a mini-van or something else with captains chairs, it is SO much more comfortable! (So there's something for you to look forward to.) :)

I wish you could stay in Milwaukee too! You'd be SO much closer!


Heidi Stone said...

That reminds me, I need to RSVP to Britt's wedding. Of course, since I have a baby due in September, I can't really be traveling out of state in August. :( I bet she'll be a beautiful bride!
