Monday, May 25, 2009


Without facebook the last two weeks I have had more time to think and get away from the trap of technology. I am not saying that technology is a bad thing, but facebook was becoming a huge stumbling block for me. I would say that I am better without it. I also hope and pray that this blog won't become a stumbling block either. As long as I use it wisely and carefully, it will be ok. I will admit, using facebook became almost like a gossiping tool to see what everyone was up to. Not only did I use it to bring attention to myself but also to point out and compare other people's lives. I need to learn how to use self-control and ask God for strength in this area of my life.

Thank the Lord.

Please pray that I can stay away from facebook.....


1 comment:

Heidi Stone said...

hey, i totally hear you. that's part of the reason i completely got rid of facebook and myspace.

but now...i do miss being able to keep in contact w/ people....
