Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well..I have been working this summer thus far, with two ladies (sisters) who live together. One of them forgets things constantly and can reread the paper for an hour and still be satisfied. The other one doesn't want me there and wants to remain independent. My stomach has been churning worries the last week that I have been working with them and I am still unsure if this job is the fit for me. They need someone to be there or at least check on them but I am not sure if I am the one for the job. I need to improve things in my life and I have been learning a lot through this situation. Here are a few:

1) Working for an organization like HomeInstead is a BLESSING in disguise! Working with the elderly on "your own" is a lot more challenging then what I thought....

2) I take things too personal and attempt to please others rather than God.

3) What is a person to do in a house where one does not feel welcome? I want to help so badly but I don't want to intrude and invade in someone elses space...

4) Getting someone to take a shower is impossible and cannot be forced upon another....believe me I have tried in vain..

5) I feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do......where to go and how to go about this new challenging situation

The family is counting on me to provide for these ladies...yet the ladies constantly forget that I am coming and that I am there because their family has requested it.

What have I gotten myself into now?

I am praying that God will show me what to do, whether that means quitting or staying on the job.

Please pray. I would greatly appreciate that.

Love you all....

Thank you Lord for all that you have given Matt and I. The ability to work, the ability to make money, and the ability to glorify you. Please change my heart so that I can better glorify you. I don't like to be challenged but if this situation is meant to make me stronger, and to bring you glory please reveal that to me. Give me an open heart and less anxious thoughts....


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