Monday, September 28, 2009 it really necessary?

So come to find out I had to stay later at school tonight than planned because I forgot that we had a meeting with our group planned at 7pm. My class got done super early tonight and I was SO excited to go home to see my husband until a group member reminded me (thank goodness) that we had a meeting. My heart sank. Although I know it is of the utmost importance that I show up and be part of the group I really didn't want to. matter if I WANT to or NOT I must go. Although this situation is a minor detour in life it is a big reflection of my whiny attitude. I called Matt and complained about how I didn't want to stay and couldn't stand being at school for one more hour or so and how my back hurt, etc, etc. I then realized, after all that spewing, that whining is immature and complaining won't get me anywhere. I could have joyfully accepted the fact that I could be contributing to my group and helping them get our project done rather than complain about how I didn't get my way. Did you notice that the largest part of that sentence was I? And that the largest part of this spewing is about I? isn't about me....and this small little situation taught me a lot about Christ.

Think about how this situation would have looked if I would have not complained or gotten upset? God would have been glorified greatly.

I don't like mess ups but sometimes they happen so we can see our sin.


Well now that I realize what I did wrong my heart sinks. I am so glad that God is gracious to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from our unrighteousness.

Literally I am a all areas of life and to think that God is working on me to conform me to the image of Christ is mind boggling....

Yet so....


So today I really began to realize how wonderfully blessed I am to have a husband who...

ChErIsHeS me......
HOLDS me...
EnCoUrAgEs me....
Attempts to understand me.....(with all my emotional baggage)
LeAdS Me....
And GUIDES me...

PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow!!!!

I am one blessed woman who has NO right to complain!

Who am I?

1 comment:

zody said...

Hannah I love you! I feel like I am reading my own journal when I read this. Its hard to be faced with our sins and its really hard realizing we are a mess. But just reading your blog I see you love God and pursue him by hating your sin and it is truly a blessing to all who read this because you are so honest!