Monday, March 29, 2010

To Buy or Not to Buy...

My husband and I are debating on a big decision in our lives--whether or not to buy a house. This isn't just a random choice about whether to buy organic peanut butter vs.'s a much bigger deal. As I was driving to school today I was listening to Dave Ramsey and he said not to buy a house if you are in debt. The only debt that we have is student loans but it is still debt.

What do you think?


Whitney Lane said...

Hmm... I wish I had advice, but honestly I'd just pray about it and maybe seek the advice of your parents and other older people that you trust.

Heidi Stone said...

I'm with Dave. If we had it to do all over again, we would NEVER buy a house while we were in debt.

So that's my two cents.

Hannah said...

Depends on if you'll give in to American consumerism like so many others do {attempting to buy their dream home straight out of college}. If you buy a home within your means and are capable of doing a lot of the maintenance repairs yourself it isn't much different than paying rent {except for the equity you gain}.

<3 yay for closing day approaching!