Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Having a headboard behind our bed isn't possible at the moment, because we don't have the money but if we ever could afford to make a head board I would love to do something like this. How cool does that look? I know that it would be fairly inexpensive but with our income as of now we would probably be cutting it short, especially with both of our jobs being up in the air. Anyway I just thought that I would share this link because I love this idea for a headboard!

I was also thinking about starting a shop on Etsy but I'm a little nervous about how things are going with the economy and I always wonder if my things will sell. Matt says that I should take the chance and start small......maybe I will...we'll see..

I'll keep you posted.


Whitney Lane said...

Sooo cute! I absolutely love this idea, Hannah! Someday, I can't wait to see what you do with it. :)

Heidi Stone said...

I've seen that before. So cute!

By the way, what are you up to these days? Is Matt down in...umm...Milwaukee, was it? Or have all those plans changed drastically since I was there last? Where are you living? You should really email me. :)
